A. Downloads
1.) Due to the nature of how downloads are processed, we uphold a no refund policy. The customer is responsible for ensuring their order is correct before purchasing the media or content. Prior to submitting for processing and billing, please ensure that you do not order the same clips twice. Please report any billing errors to info@sadisticcoach.co.uk for resolution. Friendly fraud and abuse by disputing the transaction with the issuing bank will result in immediate disqualification from future sales and you will be banned from ordering from our store. In the event that you are banned by us for chargebacks, you agree that you will pay us twenty five pounds (£25) per order fee if you wish to reimburse us in order to reinstate your account. This chargeback fee is in addition to the total amount of the original orders. We take fraud very seriously and will actively report cases of fraud to the local authorities for further prosecution. Clips, videos, and images that are purchased from this Site cannot be swapped or traded. We aggressively enforce our intellectual property rights. Any infringement, including those related to swapping, trading, or reposting of clips, videos, and images will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
2.) The contents of the site service are intent for the personal non commercial use of its users. All materials published on the site (including, but not limited to news articles, photographs images, illustrations, audio clips ad video clips collectively, 'content') are protected by Copyright (C), Trademark and all other applicable intelligential property laws, and are owned and controlled by Sadistic Coach or the party credited as the provider of such content, software or other materials. You shall abide by Copyright (C) or other notices, information and restrictions appearing in conjunction with any content accessed through the service. You have the right to view the content obtained from the service for which you have paid; apart from that right, you do not have the right to copy, distribute, share, facilitate sharing, prepare derivative works, share derivate works, facilitate sharing of derivative works, publicly display for free or for compensation, or make any other use of such content without obtaining explicit written permission of the copyright holder. This includes, but is not limited to: uploading, posting, making available in any format or through any mechanism (e.g., peer-to-peer file sharing, torrents, etc).
B. Payments
All booking fees to Sadistic Coach are non-refundable.
C. Cancellation and Refunds
By signing-up with any of Sadistic Coach Training plans you are liable for the duration of that plan. No refunds will be provided at any time. If you decide to cancel your automated payments, you have the right to do so. We reserve the right to not provide any refund in such circumstances where you do not cancel.
D. Indemnity
You agree to indemnify and hold us and our subsidiaries, affiliates and partners and their respective officers and employees harmless from any loss, fines, fees, liability or claim made by any third party arising from your breach of these Terms & Conditions whilst using our Service or any other service provided by us.
E. Entire Terms & Conditions
These Terms and conditions set out the entire agreement and understanding between you and Sadistic Coach Training. We reserve the right to change these Terms & Conditions and policy at any time, without giving notice.
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